How is the Black Masterbatch of US MASTERBATCH different from another black masterbatch in Vietnam?

Black masterbatch – the basic color masterbatch of MASSKA GLOBAL component in manufacturing black plastic objects.

1 What is the definition of Black Masterbatch?

In daily life, black objects are widely used since it is easy to combine the black color with other colors. Moreover, black features seem to look cleaner than others.

With  many  years of carbon black compounding experience, MASKA GLOBAL is the black masterbatch specialists. we produce a wide variety of black masterbatches, concentrates, and compounds that provide superior UV protection, FDA compliance, high-jetness, blue-tone, high loadings, low-tint performance, and customizability.

Carrbon Black Pigment N330

Black masterbatch is high concentrations of carbon black, typically 15 – 50% dispersed in thermoplastic resins which act as a carrier or binder. Other black pigments, such as nigrosine dye and bone black can also be used depending on the application and resin system. Masterbatch and concentrates allow plastic processors to utilize carbon black and other dry powders in a pre-dispersed pellet form, allowing easy incorporation in extrusion and molding processes. These masterbatch are then incorporated into various polymers to impart properties such as color, UV resistance, and electrical or thermal conductivity.

Black Masterbatch can be produced in almost any thermoplastic resin; however the most common resins tend to be polyolefins, styrenics, and engineering resins such as polycarbonate and nylon. Typical markets which require large quantities of Black Masterbatch are:

  • Blown Film 
  • Extrusion Coating
  • Pipe
  • Agricultural (geomembrane and drip tape)
  • Fiber and Multi-Filaments
  • Automotive Compounds
  • Wire and Cable
  • FDA / Food Packaging

2. How does the production process of black masterbatch take place?

The basis of producing color masterbatch is mixing the primary resin with other substances, for example fillers, pigments and additives. Similarly, to produce black masterbatch, manufacturer firstly mix black carbon powder, base resin and other additives according to the well investigated formula, then mix well by mixer at high speed for about 10 minutes. The mixture after being mixed will be passed through the extruder to pour into a sheet, then be cooled and then passed through a cutter to cut into masterbatch particles.

The finished masterbatch is then mixed with primary plastic granules and other additives into a mixture of plastic materials. This mixture will undergo different processing technologies depending on the product shape that customers require (injection molding, extrusion, blowing film …).

In response to the different requirements of black Masterbatch, we studied and developed five different types of black master batch based on black carbon proportions ranging from 20 to 50%.

  • UB 20 includes 20% of black carbon
  • UB 30  includes 30% of black carbon
  • UB 40 consists of 40% of black carbon
  • UB 50  consists of 50% of black carbon

3. How to use Black Masterbatch?

The method of adding the black masterbatch directly into the plastic mixture and then heating until they are molten will help the color spread more evenly in the mixture. After the plastic is cooled and solidified, the color will be remained even when left outdoor for a long time. Depending on the type of product required and the ratio of other ingredients, the concentration of color pigments used for the overall mixture is between 0.5% and 3%.

This coloring technique is more labor intensive and the production cost can be higher but it will give the product a beautiful color and long lasting appearance.

4. Notes when using black masterbatch to produce plastic products

If the product content exceeds the ideal ratio, it will negatively affect the production process or the quality of the finished product. For example, when color masterbatch is added with too large amount, the viscosity within the mixture increases, making the casting process difficult, and reducing the mechanical features of the product. The more additives you use, the less will even reduce the transparency of plastic.

One more thing need to be noted when producing black masterbatch is the toxicity of black carbon, which common name is soot. This is considered as a substance that can cause lung cancer. Workers are the ones with highest incidence since they are often in contact with soot at work by breathing in and contacting the skin or eyes. Therefore, at the factories and mines, strict guidelines are needed to ensure that employees do not have the risk of inhaling unsafe carbon in the raw form.

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