Fundamental properties of Carbon Black that MASKA GLOBAL used to produce Black Masterbatch

 Black Masterbatch is widely used in plastic industry for many economic benefits. Black Masterbatch is the compound of carbon blacks, carrier resin and some additives. Normally, it is used for coloration, reducing production costs and performance. So to have a good black Masterbatch product, what is the properties needed of Carbon Black pigment? What materials do we use at MASKA GLOBAL […]

Why do you need to use Desiccant Masterbatch in plastic production?​

1. What is Desiccant Masterbatch (Moisture Absorbent Masterbatch)? As the name suggests, Desiccant masterbatch is an advanced functional masterbatch developed to solve the moisture problem. A desiccant is a substance designed to eliminate humidity and enhance extrusion and injection processes. A desiccant masterbatch gives a complete solution to the processor so as to reduce or […]


CO是货物进出口中的通用单证,是确定货物原产地的重要单证,进出口企业在享受优惠待遇的货物清单中可享受税收优惠。两个出口国和进口国之间的贸易协定。那么CO的特点是什么? 如何获得CO呢?CO的所有核心内容将在下面的文章中介绍。 原产地证C/O是什么? CO是英文术语,全称是manufacturer’s certificate of origin,表明商品的原产地在哪个领土或国家。 CO form E (manufacture’s certificate of origin form E )是什么? 根据海关总署的数据,越南的出口企业普遍,尤其是美国的色母粒公司,总体而言,中国市场在出口总额中仍占很大比例。因此,我们将了解出口到东盟,特别是中国的制造商原产地证书有哪些突出特点: CO格式E(manufacture’s certificate of origin form E)是根据东盟-中国全面经济合作框架协议(ACFTA)签发的原产地证书表格E,用于证明货物的原产地。来自本协议的一方。 有效的CO格式E(manufacture’s certificate of origin form E)的目的是确认货物的原产地,从而确定货物是否享有特别优惠的进口税率。具体而言,进口税率将根据每种特定类型的商品,基于 HS Code。 与出口类似,这种形式的 CO(manufacture’s certificate of origin)证明货物来自越南或东盟,因此中国进口商也可以在其国家享受相应的优惠。 CO form E (manufacture’s certificate of origin form E )是什么? 首先,在这个原产地证书样本的右上角,一定有重要的参考信息: CO 编号,例如:E174702C38332761 带有“FORM E”这一行的英文短语 签发国名,例如中国人民共和国 接下来是13盒内容·: 方框1:出口商信息:公司名称、地址。通常是卖方在发票上,除非是第 […]

How is the Production Process of color masterbatch?

The color masterbatch is an aggregate made of super constant pigment uniformly attached to the resin. Color masterbatch is a new type of polymer-colorant, also known as pigment preparation. It is made up of four basic elements: pigment or dye, carrier, dispersant, and additives. It is an aggregation of supernatural pigments or dyes attached to […]

石粉 – 碳酸钙粉(Calcium Carbonate Powder CaCO3)是当今现代工业中非常重要的物质,具有多种特性和先进工业的有效互补用途。

1. CaCO3石粉生产工艺: CaCO3岩粉是在矿场精挑细选,通过称重站时再次检查,清理干净,避免杂质。白色石灰石粉产品经过严格检验。 原料白色石灰石原料被投入到材料分配器中。之后,成品继续通过钳口机、锤子机和分料系统进入进料仓。主磨系统成适合各行业的颗粒和粉末。 先进的气体颗粒分离器将石制品按尺寸分类,然后将成品投放市场。包覆碳酸钙粉在包装前要经过包覆设备。 高CaCO3含量的超细碳酸钙粉的生产工艺达到98%,是许多重要行业的原料,以满足当今发达市场的要求。 塑料工业用添加剂分类 CaCO3: CaCO3经开发和初步加工后分为细CaCO3(Ground Carboncarbonate – GCC)和沉淀CaCO3(precipitated CaCO3 – PCC)2种。目前市场上,细碳酸钙 GCC 是许多行业中最重要的填料,尤其是塑料行业。细碳酸钙是通过将生石灰石粉碎成粉末颗粒,然后根据它们的大小进行分类来生产的。 而PCC沉淀的CaCO3常被用作增强、补强填料以及调节冲击力的添加剂。这类CaCO3的生产过程比生产细CaCO3要复杂得多,主要包括3个主要步骤:将原料在高温(1000oC)下钙化,然后将生石灰水化成乳石灰。最后,乳石灰将通过 CO2 传导碳化,过滤结合干燥产生最终产品,CaCO3 以干燥形式沉淀。 1.2 CaCO3的理化成分: 化学成分: 化学成分  CaCO3 98% phút Fe2O3 Tối đa 0,02% MgO Tối đa 0,02% SiO2 Tối đa 0,1% Al2O3 Tối đa 0,1% Tính chất vật lý: tính chất vật lý BaiDu 98% phút […]

What is plastic CaCO3 Filler Masterbatch?

Plastic fillers are particles added to resin with the purposes of improving specific properties (tensile strength, toughness, heat resistance, color, clarity, etc), reducing production cost, or both. More than 53 million tons of plastic fillers, with the value of approximately 18 billion US dollars, are used every year in various fields such as plastics, rubber, […]

What is calcium carbonate?

Calcium carbonate (CaCO3), one of the most beneficial and versatile materials known to man, has multiple applications in various industries. One small example of calcium carbonate which almost everyone know is chalk that has been used as a writing tool for over 10,000 years. One big example is that calcium carbonate is the main material […]